How to Maintain Your Pole Saw for Long-Lasting Performance? (Save Yourself Some Cash Today!)

Do you want to enjoy a long-lasting performance with your pole saw? Do you want the saw to deliver effective results after years of use? If yes, then you can only achieve this goal by giving your pole saw proper servicing and regular maintenance. With these two things, your tools will be in good shape and they will not wear off or decay. Pole saws get dull after an extended time of use just like every other kind of saw. All they need is regular maintenance.

When you make use of the pole saw more frequently to cut, trim, or prune tough wood, the blade will surely be dull. This requires proper servicing! The good thing is, maintenance won’t require excessive work if you develop the habit of regular servicing. Normally, you’ll find an owner’s manual which contains maintenance schedules in most pole saw models. In this article, we’ll talk about how to maintain your pole saw to keep it in a good condition for a long time. That’s not all! We’re also going to show you how to store your pole saw.

Pole Saws Varieties

Out there in the market, you’ll find different types and models of pole saws. The manual-type of pole saws are usually the most common and basic type and they are equipped with a long pole with a sharp blade located at the front part. This type of saw is usually used to manually cut wood in a “move back and forth” manner. On the other hand, powered pole saws are designed with a long pole having a chainsaw located at the front. Powered pole saws can be gas, electric, or battery-powered. We’ll give you some pole saw maintenance tips for each type.

Maintenance Tips for Pole Saws

We’ve compiled some maintenance tips for pole saws to ensure effective and efficient performance.

Before Using the Pole Saw Maintenance Tips

Basically, before you turn on your pole saw for use, you have to consider some things. Considering the performance of the saw and your safety, these pre-work checks are very important.

  • Look out for all the bolts, screws, and nuts, and make sure they are tight. You know how dangerous a pole saw would be during work if there are some loose components.
  • Before use, check the chain in the saw properly for any broken links or damages. If you notice any broken links or damages, you’ll need to replace the whole chain by yourself or get an expert.
  • Before turning on the saw for work, check the trigger lock and the trigger and make sure the function and move properly. When the trigger or trigger lock is in bad condition, it might get stuck in the on position.
  • Look out for the air filter and check whether it’s clean or not if you’re using a gas-powered pole saw. If it’s not clean or it’s bad, we advise you to replace it with a new one. The air filter needs to be kept in perfect condition all the time as it’s an important component in gas-powered pole saws.
  • Check out for oil leaks and fuel leaks from the engine and gas tank before use. Do not use a saw that has fuel or oil leaks.

After Using the Pole Saw Maintenance Tips

To ensure the safety and efficient performance of your pole saw, you have to adhere to some maintenance tips after every use.

  • The exterior part of your pole saw should be cleaned with a damp rag from top to bottom. Any particles and dirt should be removed from it. Also, check the blade’s protective cover and ensure it’s free from any dirt.
  • Keep the pole saw in proper storage space. You will find some tips on how to store your pole saw properly in this article.

Weekly Pole Saw Maintenance Tips

After every week of use, you need to adhere to some special maintenance tips to maintain the efficiency of your pole saw.

  • Check the oil level of the pole saw to know if it has enough oil. If it doesn’t, refill the oil.
  • Bad connections and cables can expose you to some injuries as well as cause damage to the whole saw system. So, after every weekly use, make sure the connections and wiring are in perfect order. Also, make sure you check the starter cord to know if it hasn’t wear.
  • The defect on elements responsible for dampen vibrations should be thoroughly looked out for. Pole saws tend to vibrate more when these elements are damaged.
  • Check the spark plug and clean the dirt or rust on it. Then, using the user’s manual, adjust the gap for your pole saw.

Monthly Pole Saw Maintenance Tips

To round it up, we’ve also provided some monthly maintenance tips for pole saws. If you want to keep your tool in an immaculate condition, you need to follow these monthly checks and procedures.

  • Check the fuel filter and make sure there are no clogs in it. Replace the fuel filter if you found clogs in it.
  • Spark plugs should be replaced monthly if you’re into an arborist or landscaping job that requires daily use of the pole saw.
  • The blade of your pole saw should be sharpened at least once a month to maximize its cutting efficiency. You wouldn’t want to work with a blunt blade.

The good thing is that you don’t need to have technical skills to know how to maintain your pole saw daily, weekly, and monthly.

Storing Pole Saw Tips

Pole saws need to be stored properly to enjoy the best performance from it from time to time. If you do not know how to store your pole saw properly, it may lead to damage or quality degradation. Just as the normal saying goes “prevention is better than cure”. A damaged or degraded pole saw will cost you more money for repair or even replacement. Also, good storage practice is a key factor in your quest to know how to maintain your pole saw. So, follow our pole saw storage tips to maximize the quality and performance of your pole saw.

  • Store your pole saw in a very dry and cool place. Keep the pole saw in a safe and spacious place with a moderate temperature. The maintenance schedule and longevity of your pole saw can be affected when stored in a place with extreme temperatures. Don’t forget that a pole saw is a device that can will get spoilt when stored in a place with excessive moisture. So, always go for a dry storage place.
  • Keep your pole saw in a safe and secure place. Don’t keep it very high where it can fall. Don’t keep it where kids play around. Pole saw is just like every other saw and it can be damaged when mishandled. Take note of our storage precautions to avoid damage to your pole saw as it is very sensitive to impacts.
  • Always keep your pole saws where they won’t get stained things you don’t want dirty. Don’t keep a pole saw where foodstuff is stored or anywhere around your living room where you want absolute cleanliness. Take, for example, your white tiles or rug can be stained by a scanty amount of chain oil that seeps off the chain.
  • Lock up your storeroom to prevent any unauthorized access to the pole saw. You’re assured of the pole saw safety when it is stored in a locked-up room.

Follow the tips and procedures listed above and you won’t have any issues with how to store your pole saw.

Maintenance Tips for Different Types of Pole Saws: Powered (Gas/Electric) and Manual

People have different ways of approaching maintenance. There’s no rule enforcement on how maintenance should be done. Some people actually take care of their tools and equipment the way they feel it’s right. But will that be effective and productive? The basic process of cleaning won’t be quite effective because pole saws come with different designs and structures. Hence, each structure and design requires a different maintaining approach and techniques. To make this easier for you, we’ve provided maintenance tips for the two common types of pole saws. You will know how to maintain your pole saw if you make use of all the tips and procedures listed below.

Powered Pole Saw

Powered pole saw can either be powered by gas, electricity, or battery. They are basically designed with chain blades. There are other important parts to be considered in a powered pole saw. Powered pole saws have a little bit complicated cutting head than the ones in the manual saws, meaning that much care and maintenance is required. Follow the following tips below to know how to maintain a pole saw.

  • Basic Cleaning of Powered Pole Saws

After working with a pole saw, it is normal to find oil, grease, or dirt stuck in its pole or any other parts. So, what you’ll do is wipe out the entire pole saw with a damp cloth piece.

  • Tightening and Loosening Chain

When you’re using a pole saw to trim or prune your high branches, the chain has to be tightened. Ensure that the chain is well-tightened before you begin cutting. Also, loosen the chain once you’re done with the day’s work before storing it. If you don’t do this, the expansion caused by the high tension of the chain will damage it.

  • Sharpening the Chain

The hard surfaces that the blade of the pole saw cuts through make it blunt and dull. If the blade gets continuous friction with nails or other hard metals, it might be completely damaged, wrecking the edginess and sharpness of the blade. You need to always check the blade to know whether it needs sharpening or not for effective cutting. Sharpening of the blade doesn’t take much time and it’s cost-effective.

  • Oiling the Cutter

Every motorized device needs frequent and routine-based oiling. To ensure that your pole saw works perfectly all the time, you need to always oil it. The system of the pole saw might develop unexpected friction and finally get jammed if you don’t care for the oiling. Without frequent oiling, some metal component in your pole saw will decay-causing it to wear off. If this happens, you’ll either replace the saw or repair it. It is better for to you know how to maintain your pole saw to avoid spending extra cash on repair or replacement.

Manual Pole Saw

Unlike the powered pole saws, manual saws are designed with a lengthy unit with a long curved blade. You’ll see a manual pole saw with a tri-edged teeth structure. Manual saws are quite easy to clean and service since the teeth arrangement offers a blade detachable option. Follow the tips below to service your manual pole saw.

  • Dust it Off

Since manual pole saws offer a blade detachable option, all you have to do is remove the blade from the pole and spray it with orange oil. Then, you can now brush it with a brass bristle brush or wipe it off with cloth material.

  • Sharpen the Teeth

Normally, a blunt blade will deliver ineffective performance. If you want to have effective cuts every time, then you should always sharpen a pole saw blade every time you noticed that it’s dull.

  • Remove any Dirt Buildups

After using the pole saw, you may notice some depositions of oil, dirt, or greasy on the wider side of the blade. Get sandpaper and orange oil to clean up the dirt buildups. You’ll definitely get the best performance from your device if your follow all our instruction on how to maintain your pole saw.

 Closing Thoughts – wrapping it up!

For people looking for how to maintain a pole saw, hope you can now see that it’s quite easy and straightforward! Just make sure you follow all the maintenance tips and procedures. Don’t forget the storage tips to avoid pole saw degradation and damage. You can be sure of effective and long-lasting performance when you follow all these instructions. We’ve reached the final session of this blog post. We hope you were able to find good and reliable resources in your quest to know how to maintain your pole saw. If you have any questions or comments about the article topic, don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks.


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